Pecorino di grotta

We all aspire to balancing our diet with healthy, genuine foods



So only naturally, one of our nutritional aims is to re-discover and consume genuine foods like those that existed in the past. And since tradition is a byword at our company, we couldn’t deny cheese lovers the chance to taste a delicacy like the ‘Pecorino Val d’Orcia Stagionato
in grotta’ cheese. The peculiarity that distinguishes this product is an unusual ripening process. Ripening is a natural process conducted in a special grotto sculpted in tufa stone—a habitat in which the cheese acquires unique aromas and flavors as it ages. “truly unforgettable” The cheese is allowed to mature in the carefully-controlled conditions of the grotto for about 2 months, during which time the rind is treated with oil to allow the cheese to develop harmoniously. Also available vacuum-packed
(whole wheel 1.4 kg); (half wheel 0.700 kg); (quarter wheel 0.350 kg).